
파이프라인의 재질

적용 분야: 석유 및 천연가스 산업에서 가스, 물, 석유 운송에 사용 미국석유협회에서 개발 및 발행한 API SPEC 5L-2011(파이프라인 사양)은 전 세계적으로 사용되고 있습니다. 튜브의 주요 재질은 L245, L290, L360, L415, L480, GR.B, X42, X46, X56, X65, X70, X80, X100 및 기타 강철 등급입니다.

스테인리스 강관 용접의 중요성

1. It is generally suitable for welding of thin steel pipe below 6mm, with the characteristics of beautiful and elegant weld molding and small welding deformation.2. The maintenance gas is argon with the purity of 99.99%. When the welding current is 50-50A, the argon flow rate is 8-10L/min, and when the current is 50-250A, the […]

아연 도금 파이프의 분류

Galvanized pipe, also known as galvanized steel pipe, is divided into hot dip galvanized and electric galvanized. Hot dip galvanizing layer thick, uniform coating, strong adhesion, long service life. Electroplating cost is low, the surface is not smooth, corrosion resistance than hot dip galvanized pipe is poor.Galvanized steel tube: hot dip galvanized steel tube steel […]

선박용 강판 소개

In fact, the vessels is a big category among many steel plates, which has very special composition and many excellent properties. At present, this kind of vessels plate is mainly used to make pressure vessels in the market. For different situations and different uses, the corresponding materials to be made are also different. This kind of […]

겨울철 금속 파이프라인 건설 시 주의사항

Metal pipeline construction points for attention in winter, the biggest characteristic of winter construction I think is that the temperature is relatively low, in the welding operation must pay attention to the temperature, the need to determine the temperature of the welding position before welding, in the case of lower than the process requirements of […]

강철에 대한 5가지 비파괴 검사 방법

The nondestructive testing of steel mainly involves ray testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, penetration testing and eddy current testing.  1. Radiographic Detection (RT)X-ray testing refers to the non-destructive testing method that uses X-ray or gamma ray to penetrate the specimen and uses film as the equipment for recording information. This method is the most […]

황화수소 부식 응용 분야를 위한 탄소강 소재

Hydrogen sulfide H₂S is an inorganic compound that is colorless, flammable, soluble in water acid gas, hydrogen sulfide corrosion refers to the oil and gas pipeline containing a certain concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and water corrosion.  H₂S dissolves in water and becomes acidic, leading to electrochemical corrosion and local pitting and perforation of pipelines. The hydrogen atoms […]

초초임계 보일러 재료 용접

Heat-resistant steel refers to the steel that works at high temperature and has excellent thermal strength and thermal stability. Thermal strength refers to the ability to resist creep and fracture at high temperature, and thermal stability refers to the ability to resist oxidation and corrosion of gaseous media at high temperature. People usually refer to the heat-resistant […]

크리프 방지 강철은 어떤 용도로 사용되나요?

Molybdenum has been a key alloying element in creep resistant ferrite steels operating at temperatures up to 530°C. The main applications of creep resistant steel are in power plants and petrochemical plants, where steam turbines require large forgings and castings, and pressure vessels, boilers and piping systems require tubes, plates and accessories of all kinds.In addition […]